by Maddie
(Boston, MA, USA)

I think the dinosaurs died because all the plants died so the plant eaters could not eat, and since all the hebivores died, all the meat eaters could not eat so they all died too!

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what could of happened!

by grace

since about 90% of the dinosaurs were herbivores then when the satoriod hit earth and many tons of dust was thrown into the atmosphere that the result was a 'long night' due to the lack of sunlight that was able to reach earth,the plants died out and without a food source so did the dinosaurs

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Dino Extintion Made By Video Games

by Steve :D

Whenever dinosaurs lost a video game they might have killed another by RAGE!!!

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dinosaurs extinction was made by gummy bears

by kayla

gummy bears came to earth and killed all the dinosaurs on EARTH!

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The flood

by Miryam

I think when Noah's flood came in the bible some of the dinosaurs caught the boat but the rest missed it! Then the remaining ones died out when the weather got colder.

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The real way dinos became extinct

by Rio

Once a few years ago scientists sent a time machine full of chocolate bars' back in time.When the plant eating dinos saw it they ate all the chocolate...A few days later they died because they had eaten too much. The meat-eaters had nothing to eat so they ate each other. As a result they all died out.

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Dinosaur Flood

by Sean Onamade

There might have been an enormous flood from heavy rains close to the end of the cretaceous period.The dinosaurs weren't able to reach high points on time, but species like crocodiles, were able to. The surviving animals were able to survive on some plants that grew there.Soon,the high waters cleared away,and the animals were able to return to there habitats. The flood caused the animals that didn't survive to be buried.That is why we have fossils and how the dinosaurs became extinct.

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